
Beauty, health, lifestyle



Приготовление различных блюд для мужчины

Мне бы очень хотелось обсудить тему о приготовления различных блюд для мужчины. Ведь, как известно: сердце мужчины лежит через желудок. Пока живёшь одна - много не надо: постоянно приходится находится на диетическом питании. А встретя любимого мужчину , и после замужества мне бы очень хотелось быть хорошей хозяйкой. Мне, например, очень страшно. Ведь, надо будет готовить блюда по рецептам той страны в которой живёт мой будущий муж. Как перебороть этот страх? Насколько важно приготовление блюд для мужчины, который любит вас? Может, кто-то уже сталкивался с этим?

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André Luiz, 33 y.o.


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Calm down and be more confident!
It is normal to have fear in that situation initially, as cooking is related to several questions, such as allergies, health, nutritional information, savor, taste, culture, knowledge, skills, stuffs available, etc. That feeling may be increased when anything strange is involved in cook, such as a foreign future husband and food from another country. However, reading the tips on this comment, perhaps you may overcome the fear mentioned.
Before to cook anything, it is important to consider the allergies of your future husband, so as the ones of yours, avoiding substance or food that may do someone of you get sick. So, remove the options of dish not recommended.
Also, the health and lifestyle are related to the choice of determined food. A healthy diet is more appropriated in some cases, depending how is the body of the respective person or health situation of someone. In the case mentioned in this paragraph, ponder the savor and what is nutritive.

Not only the nutritional information is relevant, but also to know his taste. If you do not know that, you can ask him directly or not. That depends on your intention, if you pretend to make a surprise or to cook something requested or suggested by your future husband.

You should consider which ingredients, materials and recipes are available too. In the decision, you can prepare something already known by you or learn to cook new food. If you are so confident and you have conditions to do that, you can create a new kind of food related to his culture or native country, demonstrating more originality. Also, if he likes to cook, you can invite him to help you when convenient to both. The couple may have fun cooking together, sharing ideas possibly.
Some men love to cook and want to take care of the kitchen too. On the other hand, some guys do not enjoy that. Generally, they think that it is essential the wife to cook, more important than love in some cases. While that, other men do not give big attention if the wife cook well or not, for example, some busy men that prefer dinner out or to eat at restaurant. So, cooking has great importance for some men, while for others, not that much. Anyway, good cooking skills are appreciable in general, being a quality of the person. That quality associated with other things of the person may conquer someone. Mistakes are possible when cooking, but you may learn more and improve yourself with them.
Well, I hope that I could help somehow.
In relation to your last question, I have never experienced to cook to a husband of mine, even why I never had one and I am a heterossexual man. Ha, ha, ha!
I wish good luck to you!


Humberto, 55 y.o.


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informate por medio de san google y te dara muchas recetas te deseo lo mejor

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