
Marrying in Europe



"Marrying" the old way

in France, among the last generations, it is not a matter of the very last one said to be the globalization and iPhone one, "marrying" is more or less used by half of the population when dealing with man/women commitment and relationship. I understand the Shengen visa requirements are of course not so subtile socially. But what surprise me is that the whole East half of Europe is so heavilly traditional when dealing with family and love. There seems to be neither love nor romance and even childs outside of the traditions in East Europe. I 'm enough old to be fully conscious of the benefits of the old way.and traditions , at least when facing our crazy modern consumerist fast going world.



As this a "forum" , an old fashioned to use internet, i forgot we are now in the "social networked" narcissical internet without controversial "opinions/debates". Things have to end in a consensuel numerical values of likes/disliked.
"Welcome in a better world".


Lora, 61 y.o.


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Mb,попытаюсь понять и ответить как я поняла то,что Вы хотели донести до нас всех.
Просто все меняется и невсегда как мы хотим, мы настолько постарели, и видим, и понимаем, и знаем, и уже останавливаемся для того,чтобы подумать все осмыслить, а не стремиться что-то или кого-то догнать,быть первым везде( имею ввиду все,что окружает нас,дружба,любовь и конечно же общение,СМИ и другое)



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Oops. I'm not complaining of loss or lack of sense,I already know what it means, i'm already able to deal with since i'm ... i'm .... i'm what? guess what.... Complaining about the lack of sense. Probably 3 or 4 years old. Here it is a true "forum" exercice in order to put explicit words in not said ideas..
