Marrying in countries except Europe, America, Australia, Canada and Muslim countries
It's so hard to find love ...
It's my thinking, man or woman suffer from love, love is in front of us or next to us and we do not see it. we are distracted by any other event and we miss the opportunity, we have required certain requirements like ideal love and we do not even fill those requirements. What do you think. 🤔
Follow the other girls on the site, not me, follow those who you like.

I agree cute girl however if you mix the ice queen personality with the Pisces ♓️ star sign throw in a feminine agenda and age limit upto 40 year old Latinos or Spanish you are just about in her filters for the next 12 months.... if you can defrost her you could be in with a chance .... I’ve seen stranger things happen!! However you was pictured with your ideal woman in your post.. from what I read she’s not got very high opinion of men so one who has potentially a girlfriend already won’t hold her interest.
Jorge ,
This post somehow did remind me of the song : Old town from Phil Lynott from 1982.
Life was completely different back then as we know it today.Back then there was no internet , no social media platforms.
People had much more time , to spend with each other and /or do more sports.
In the past decades we were taught , to be more assertive and to stand up for yourself and for your rights ...
But standing up for yourself , doesn't mean to be (more) selfish ...
And being assertive doesn't mean that you can say everything to anyone ....
The rules of engagement have shifted and with the different social platforms it is only becoming more shameless in some cases.
People can use an app to cheat on their partner or to make secret appointments."Hey , I can cheat in my relation , as long as my partner will not find out ...."
Is this becoming the standard these days ??
Phil Lynott was a member of the British rockband Thin Lizzy.
Thin Lizzy ebcame very famous with this song - " Whiskey in the jarr "
Yes , I still have this 45 rpm vinyl record ...
Another popular member of Thin Lizzy was Gary Moore (remember this slow-mo romantic song - " I still got the blues for you " )
I Always wondered why "Old Town" did not become a big hit.It is a very catchy song but a bit tricky to dance to.
Old Town
The girl's a fool
She broke the rule
She hurt him hard
This time you will break down
She's lost his trust
And so she must
Now all is lost
The system has broke down
Romance has broke down
This boy is crackin' up
This boy has broken down
This boy is crackin' up
This boy has broke down
She plays it hard
She plays it tough
But that's enough
The love is over
She's broke his heart and that is rough
But in the end you'll soon recover
The romance is over
1982 (C)- copyright - Phil Lynott / Thin Lizzy