Men & women
Creen en el amor ?
Estara alguien destinado para nosotros en esta vida. llegara esa casualidad , esa persona ideal ?Mb
I'm not sure that he ( and you ) is completely aware what really means "your" women/man and what really means such emphazy about Love. I'm still wondering if he is in the stage of the very first love or simply want to fullfill his social and cultural commitments, that is he have to marry a women and afterward he may not protected from futurs hazards depending of his cultural environment.
His "emphazy" on love means something for me, but I known that's a little.bit different.meaning. such different that i'm aware that he is lucky to see and live in a tradionnal wold where such thing ad Love is as strongly and culturaly simple as water. I've fallen in love too much time to simply consider the beauty of the word.