Men & women

La isla bonita
hello to all curious lonely guysPlease, let me know if you are exist! I would be very impressed. I do not mind your messages with the meaning and funny impressions, for example... And I am absolutelly ready to share my good mood with you, too
Unfortunately, I'm not a doctor, not a business consultant or psychotherapist (I'm sure). Although I can listen and give some advices really. But most of the time you do not need them. Therefore, I do not do this.. Thank you for the understanding!
Yeah, probably, I have too many desires, and the notorious "higt bar". I admit it. But how to be? I'm ready to the compromise.. But maybe you are also ready to "jump higher"?
In any case - I'm still interested in hearing you, dear stranger Yes, You can write me about everything, but just for one sec before to the send ... just delete all boring and sad things from your letter
Thank you, if you are reading all this with a light smile and ready to act. Do not delay your laudable intention in a "far box", please!
Dear friends, I will take to this opportunity to wish you the super weekend today and many good people on your life way forever))
sinсerely yours,

La Isla Bonita, melodía de famosa cantante Estadounidenses.
Thanks for the invitation in the name of all Men here and beyond this site.
Oho, I forget to say the same besides the lonely guys and not discriminate other types of Men!
Ando how will you share your mood??? Emoticons??
If you are not a Doctor, A psychoterapist and a business consultant, then we would like to hear from you: what you like?? what do you expect to find the type of men here? A doctor, A psychoterapist, A business man??
Regarding advices, Do you negate the chance to give advices??
oho, must I delete all sadness and bad events in human life or only mine??
I like to fly high, specially in airplanes!!!
Stranger !!! are we strangers comrades??
The ony way to not talk with a stranger ( as this recommendation I have received since I remember, aroun 4 years old, or the man with the trash bag can stole you - el Roba Chicos!-).
Well the only way to be a no stranger is by presenting ourselves, but it must be done privately... so to all Standard men members, SWITCH TO HIGH STATUS MEMBRESY !!! DO NOT LET THIS KIND LADY WAITING FOR ALL OF YOU !!!
Best Regards,
Salvador ( the other information is confidential, yet !!! )
P.S: I am not the man in black, I am an ordinary man

El Salvador ,I'm not the woman of your dreams.. Alas .. But as a Mexican cosmonaut to a Mexican cosmonaut - I wish you to find true love! To be honest I have got only the small understanding of all your posts. it seems - young smart students will bring you only problems be careful tell you that again and again, even if you see in me only "the strict teacher", but if you are sure - less words, more actions must to be your motto cosmonauts never give up !
with love forever,
auntie Wiw

Thanks dear lady,
Everyone has their own stories,
Good luck!
( and of course if I would be interested in you, I shall write you directly)

I think it's much better to communicate on the forum, Salvador. So it will be much more interesting. Unfortunately I use an age filter for the privat messages and I would not want to shoot it. For me it would be a problem later to write "sorry-sorry" to others gentlemen. Thank you for understanding! and thank you for luck wishes, take your fingers crossed about me Can be one day I will invite you in my weddind and we, real cosmonauts, can talk about everything

Oho, thank you for your reply, i respect the chossing act of people and let me say that I met a great lady from this site in 2014 and in every travel I do, we talk a lot about our life.
She is one of my best friend and married with an italian man who is interested, really interested to meet all together at Italy.
I like to hear and understand and I told to this lady why I traveled half of the world as to be the first customer of a new service in touring (guess who was the owner).
She was really excited about this and already helped me to find a decent job for my friend.
Anyway, thanks a lot.
P.s. I always listen the point of view from others with good attitude. Many thanks

This one has a free ticket for producing the "greatest" 'post-production' along with Paul Edminton, although wiwiena-tequila-in-her-vena has a return ticket for multiple identiies (personalities? ), including rebirth and reincarnation.
A cockroach dies when you cut off its head, but not because of the loss of a vital organ, but because it lacks the intake of food. Therefore, logically, what the cockroach is in the world of insects, the wiwiena is to world of (virtual) communication.
Have a great week everybody!
AND enjoy the silence (until reincarnation, resurrection or rebirth)... R.I.P.