
Ladies only



о сексе

Девчонки, скажите! Какое ваше мнение, а может ваш опыт?! Почему мужчины иностранцы в возрасте, в большом возрасте (от 50 до 70 лет) ищут себе женщин от 35 до 40 лет? Что он с ней будет делать в постели? Или они еще сильны в этом возрасте? Может питание влияет на половые функции? Или пьют таблетки? Просветите, не дайте помереть дурой!

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Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Так для того, кто на много старше Вас, быть красивой и привлекательной, это легко, а вот, для ровесника, или кто младше Вас, вот в чем фишка, это стимулирует. 
Но я понимаю, в каждой из нас сидит "разная" девочка. 
А что, только пожилые люди умные, и могут дать правильный совет, молодые, все, сплошные дураки ?
И не факт, что мужчина, который прожил уже жизнь, даст правильный или нужный совет, и что он умнее молодого, и мудрее. Бывает, что уже и маразм наступает, это я, не в прямом смысле, конечно.
Но я поняла, просто, интересно было, что движет женщинами, почему предпочитают вдвое старше себя.



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I am not afraid to be tired, old, sick. I am not afraid to be myself and don't want to show myself for men better than I am in reality. Some days ago one man from this site called me by Skype suddenly. In this time I only came home after shopping and took bath. So he saw me with wet hair and cream in my face, without any make up, in home mini shorts and T-shirt. He said that he spoke with many women from this site and never met person similar me here, in this site. That I have very big difference with women from former Soviet Union. When I met person with whom I am luving here on the street he asked me: " Hi! How are you?" I was a his neighbor . He saw me before many times. So he asked me as all other neighbors.  And I began to cry as reply. My tears, my sincere were surprise for him. I prefer to be honest and sincerely with anyone and say trust about my past life, health, or my temper. I am not afraid to admit and tease my past mistakes, my foolish behaviour because the life is studying for me, hard , often unfair school. But I am learning every day, every moment.



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I can't write Russian. My phone doesn't admit translit and tryes to correct me all the time. It is very uncomfortable for me.  I got used English everywhere and all the time. If anyone wants to speak Russian with me, or writes Russian I gotcha but can't answer. Usually I reply English automatically .



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I had many dates and conversation with many younger or my age men in reality. They annoy me very much in the streets, in stores, on the bus stops, museums, movies, dinners, lunchs and so on and so forth. Sometimes I prefer to leave bus or bus stop and go on foot or call police if any person doesn't want to hear my arguments. The old men are more polite as usual. But some of them are very annoying persons, too and want to have next date. Every day I block about 5 persons in Internet and who call to my cell phone.



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In my real life men and women around me think that I am younger that my real age. It is normal when I have conversation with women but guys of age of my daughters or younger irritate me. Usually I said that they are good for my granddaughters , not for me. Sometimes I specially try to look older than in reality.

And some words for previous comment. I am not only very tired, moreover I am not healthy especially after my work and when the weather is so hot as right now. Of course, I dream only about relax. Any intense gossip only makes me more tired and sick. Elder men can understand this and my problems with health . The desire to have young nice appearance stimulates me to hold myself in my hands as Russians said but I don't glad that younger men pay me attention because consider that I have the same age than them.



Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

Что же там за такая американская молодежь не воспитанная. ))))
Ну, у каждого свои тараканы в голове, кого-то молодежь раздражает, кого-то выходцы из Африки, как меня, в своем большинстве.  


Marina, 65 y.o.


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Заитриговали... Пойду посмотрю. Извините!...)))


Tetyana, 64 y.o.


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Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

почему вы решили, что кто-то думает, что вы моложе чем на самом деле?
вы выглядите на свой возраст по-моему.



Reply to Tetyana on View the commented comment

Firstly, I only quote others. As for me I am feeling that I am more than 70-80 years old. Secondly, I made my pictures only myself, selfi. I am not a good photographer. My face in mirrow looks another in on the pictures.



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Oh, not all. Three categories are really very dangerous: 1. People, who take drugs. 2. Mexicans. 3. Immigrants from former Soviet Union. Usually I try to avoid every person from these 3 categories.



Reply to Svetlana on View the commented comment

А африканцы, ой, простите, афроамериканцы ?  
Я думаю, в каждой стране есть те, кого надо опасаться. 



Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

I met them in Ukraine some years ago. Really some of them seem very nasty and mischievous. You are right. But in USA I usually meet AfroAmericans. All persons with whom I had conversation as salesmen, drivers or ask some help were very friendly and polite, open for other people and honest. Yes, I saw many criminal among them in our news and criminal chronic but in real life I met another people: men and women.

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