
Men & women



Dont blame the guy!

I think it's very strange, you meet someone here who are interested, they decide to meet in another country, she says she will work there for 7 days. I say I can travel there and meet her. She then says that she does not have time to meet, for her to work so much. 12 hours a day. I understand that if you want to meet someone you like then you do it. for love there is always time. I stopped writing to her because it was not honest on her part. I understand that she meets another man. I then got hold of another girl. we wrote and would meet in her home country, then she blamed that Skype does not work well, and sent only a few ringtones to Skype and then no more, said that "you look skype bad". Skype does not work that way. I understood that she found someone else when she did not want to talk on Skype a few times, and I want a serious girl, I stopped writing to her. met with a new one that I would meet. She was then included on the dating side and I asked why, she replied that it automatically logs into, "To be honest, log off," and I wanted to find a new serious girl. But it seems difficult. Another girl who did not sign out saying it was difficult to find the page ,, we are not writing to each other anymore. So it seems to be difficult to find a serious girlfriend. not someone who writes for many guys. I bet money on travel and hotel so I want to have a serious girl.


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Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Yes, one of the girls has come to the visit...I think another is probably getting ready. There is a Russian community where I lived and worked, in the State of Maine. There is also a large Ukrainian community in Rochester, New York. My experiences with those good people influenced me when I joined this site. I also lived in Germany several years and had done some traveling in Europe and the Middle East when I was younger (a lot younger!) Xaxaxaxa! I hope that answers your question, Nadya. 

In the more than two years I have been here, I have not always been active, but initially I was quite busy on the forums and had countless discussions with many wonderful women here. Many have contacted me just to ask for friendly advice; I am surprised they valued my humble opinion (I am no more wise than the next guy, but some things don't require a lot of intelligence). Never once did I encounter the negative experiences about which some men have complained. If I had, I wouldn't be whining about it on the forums. The women who have had negative experiences, have not had 3 or 4 in a row...only one, and they did not seem bitter.

I am not saying these guys never had a negative experience, but there is no irresponsible, insensitive pattern with the girls. If there were, one must wonder what kind of guy attracts those types. Some of the men's remarks are stunningly naive. One must only read their own words to see a clear, pattern of  women's responses, after they have had more time to assess the actual situation. (My Skype doesn't work, my hamster is sick, it rained, I broke a nail.... take me that long to realize there was a pattern, but I wouldn't blame the girls, especially on a public forum; I'd try to discover what I was doing wrong!)

Many of the men's own comments condemn them and yet the women are generally kind and tolerant. (I would have had a field day with some of the insensitive remarks these guys have made...ok...actually, I have, at times! Xaxaxaxaxa!   I just couldn't help myself!) I remember one guy asked the question, "Why do the girls always lie and how can you tell if she is lying!?" I had to answer that one! I told him, "Friend (not his real name), if she is 24 and you are 63, she's lying!!!" Xaxaxaxaxa!  

I love the beautiful Philadelphia, Valley Forge, King of Prussia area. Lived and worked there for quite a few years, and studied organ at West Chester. Some of the greatest history in the country occurred there. I trust you are also enjoying your time there, Nadya. There is a lot to see. Good luck.




Thank you for your comment, Dug.
This one girl, she probably has a touristic visa?
When you say "I met" - for me it sounds like meeting in reality and with the ladies you have got acquainted on the website.
We are not counting communication with people from russian communities, people who already live down there. Because we are talking about website experience.
Anyway, it is only my own point of view.
I have joined this site about two years ago too, and we have got married recently, I met my other half here (on this website). Philadelphia is a really beatiful, gorgeous city. It reminds me Saint-Petersburg very much (my russian hometown). A lot of historical places, and art museums where I like to spend my free time.

>>"Why do the girls always lie and how can you tell if she is lying!?" I had to answer that one! I told him, "Friend (not his real name), if she is 24 and you are 63, she's lying!!!" Xaxaxaxaxa!


I never have met thouse type of guys, probably they live somewhere in other Universe, which has no connection with mine =))


Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Congratulations on your success, Nadya. If I had known you were getting married, I could have gotten you one heck of an organist!  

My point is that everyone here experiences disappointment of one sort or another. When the girls share disappointing stories, I am glad; helps to promote understanding and empathy. Realize, I do not read ladies generalizing western men in a negative fashion; neither do I observe them elevating themselves in order to impress or intimidate.

Perhaps I am just overly sensitive, but I feel there is a certain amount of decorum that should be maintained (maybe I do not always maintain it) and some of the men's complaints seem somewhat frivolous and unwarranted. There is no general character flaw in European women, or most of us guys would not be here (we already have that at home). On the contrary, the girls from your part of the world seem much more desirable and genuine; they deserve respect and the benefit of any doubt.



Doug, 67 y.o.

United States

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Marina, you are a very kind lady.  


Larisa, 47 y.o.


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У каждого человека свой темперамент. На сколько я знаю, мужчины хотят, чтобы все было тогда и так как им удобно. Девушка может быть занята, иметь свою семью, свои дела и не всегда может сидеть в скайпе, когда этого хочется мужчине. И иногда ей нужно время чтобы подумать. Дувушка как и мужчина будет ценить человека, внимательного и терпеливого к ее жизни и интересам, не только к своим я и хочу...



Здравствуйте Патрик  просто это были "не ваши" женщины. Вы обязательно встретите хорошую девушку и ничто не помешает вам встретиться, ни работа, ни расстояние. Желаю Вам любви 


Natalya, 59 y.o.


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Девушки, Патрика уже нет на этом сайте - "Пользователь удалил свой профиль" написано - а вы все еще советы ему даете. 

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