Photo trip to Kyrghyzstan in summer 2013
Hello,I am a French traveller. I will come, in August, to Kyrghyzstan to share the life of local people and to make photos. I am looking for some local support
- to show me interesting places of Bishkek.
- to help me to find an apartment, to buy a cellphone simcard, to get an internet connection
- to help me to make photo reportage of real life in Kyrgyzstan and in Bishkek.
- to go with me for excursions around Bishkek
- to suggest me authentic activities and beautiful areas, help me to go there
- to organize for me a stay in yurt at song-kul lake and in mountain jailoos
- to introduce me to interesting people and models for photos
If someone speaks English or French I would appreciate the support and the company.
Herebelow some of my pictures in Tajikistan :
I would like to be in Sary Mogul (for the view on the mountains), in Song Kul (for the summer life of the breeders), in Tash Rabbat (a spectacular building in a very scenic place), to see hunters with eagles, to see yaks in mountain
If you have any suggestions, I would be very interested in.
My trips in Asia
I am quite familar with Siberian roads by car in winter (including 2000 km on Kolyma road by -50°C) and in summer. I used paths in Siberian mountains (Vostoky Sayany)riding horses. I have already traveled in Uzbekistan (from Andijan to Samarkand via Khiva), Tadjikistan (From Dushanbe to Kyzyl Art via Wakhan) and a little bit in Kyrgyzstan (Sary-Tash to Osh). The question of sefe or not is not an issue for me. If local people, including kids and old people, travel on some ways, I do not see why I should avoid these ways. I just avoid dangerous people and people who drink alcohol.
oh my God! ! ! you love difficulties? you don't love comfort? why?
I am surprised to such people. we here were tired of all this and there is a wish to run from here.
I went by the car in steppes across Kazakhstan. it is horror! speed under 200, and seems that you stand still.
Yes. learn Siberian road. winter frosts - 50. you run the risk of ...
Bernard, je vis en Sibérie orientale - Territoire de Krasnoïarsk. Notre place est appelée la Sibérie de la Suisse. Venez à nous, je vais vous montrer des endroits que vous n'oublierez jamais! Oui guérilleros et des bandits sur la route - pas! Svetlana exagère le danger ... Venez en Sibérie, été, nous avons chaud et beau! Au Kirghizistan, l'été est très chaud soleil ... Je vous encourage à visiter le Kirghizistan en Septembre - Octobre.
PS Siberian Snow Maiden sont plus attrayants que les femmes en Ukraine! C'est vrai!
я не преувеличиваю. вероятно они устали от комфорта и ищут трудности с нашими дорогами и всякими опастностями.
на фото он был зимой.последние годы очень холодные зимы ниже 50 градусов . сломается у него машина или не заведется ...это он в своей стране позвонит и быстро примчатся слесаря .
и конечно, Сибирь со Швейцарией ну никак не сравнить
"L'herbe est toujours plus verte dans le pré du voisin"
The grass is always greener in the neighbor’s field.
Anyway, Sveta, I observed that your opinion is largely shared among Russian people even if they claim that Russia is the best country. Last time I went to Russian consulate in Paris, a lady, who probably knows just Paris and Moscow told me: "What? You want a tourist visa for Russia? But it is not true! We will not give it to you. Nobody goes 7 times to Russia for tourism".
I love Siberia. I met, there, with wonderful people: Russians, Buriats, Nanais, Yakuts, Soyots. Svetlana you live on BAM. This is the most gorgeous civil engineering work of the XX century. I will never forget my trip, alone, from Taishet to Komsomolsk na Amure. Alone, I was not really... I was the first Frenchman (or veen Westerner) most of the people of the train have seen. Knowing no Russian words, I got many interviews Moreover, landscape is absolutely fascinating. I have, too, a permanent nostalgia of Yakutia in winter. I was 4 times on Baikal, the most fascinating lake of the World. I attented two expeditions to Saian mountains, no Westerner tourists there etc... Siberian wonders are just huged and not spoiled. They deserve consideration and admiration.
My only two nightmares for Siberia are mosquitoes and the horrible people of Russian consulate in Paris. I am truly allergic to these two species.
I join a pic of Munku Sardik. Such a place in French Alpes would be overcrowded
The second pic is to support your point regarding the fact that roads might be sometimes hard . .
Natalya, ce n'est pas très gentil ce que vous dites sur les Ukrainiennes. J'ai des excellents amis en Ukraine, spécialement dans l'ouest du pays. J'ai photographié des modèles ukrainiennes absolument ravissantes. Et puis, en Sibérie, on trouve aussi beaucoup de gens d'origine ukrainienne. Et puis je voyage pour apprendre pas pour comparer
J'apprécie beaucoup votre proposition concernant Krasnoïarsk. Cette partie des Saians ainsi que l'Altai m'attirent particulièrement. Je n'en connais que les récits d'Ossendovky et l'histoire d'Agafia.
Pour mois, les plus belles Sneguruskas sont à Yakutsk Mais on les trouve pas l'été. Ce n'est la pas la saison. Sur la photo, il s'agit de la fille de Laura et de Piotr, un shaman de Yakutsk.
Sorry Lidia, I can't find the topic. Do you mean "Wall" or "Let's share"? Many thanks for your help.
I live 600 miles from Lake Baikal, but never been there ... and honestly I do not. but I was in Paris and in many other countries. i'm Ukrainian.... can therefore me pulls to the south.... to the west.
nevertheless agree, in Russia more difficult life. means to you it is pleasant to overcome barriers.
in Siberia, a lot of harmful plants. in our city there are several. hardly anyone likes to breathe harmful emissions.
you have not learned to drink a lot like Russian?
to me one Englishman bragged that is familiar with the Russian people and knows some Russian words: "vodka, glass, pour"
Hello Bernard!
I saw a small article on the Internet about a French family. They continued to live in Kyrgyzstan. Now they organize travel for tourists Kyrgystanu. These many people come from abroad, France, Germany, Austria .... But there is no contact information. Names are not. A small excerpt from the TV news.
Maybe you'll find them in the French sites.
Добрый день Бернард одобряю Ваш выбор посетить Кыргызстан ! Могу вам сказать конечно плохие дороги до озера Сон- Куль , но это такая первозданная не тронутая цивилизацией красота! Думаю Вам очень понравиться . Сам Бишеке архитектурно мало интересен так как истории у него как у Парижа и Рима нет , но настоящая вкусная еда и вполне гостеприимные и добрые жители.
I had a recent change in my plans. I have an opportunity to visit Wakhan Corridor in Afghanistan, this summer. It is already a long time I am dreaming to visit this area.
I still want to go to Kyrgyzstan. I postpone my trip to next year.
Many thanks for all the kind advices here attached. We keep in touch.
Zoya, what you write, here on a public forum, is absolutely non acceptable! I will ask the webmaster to ban you from this website. You are, here, for free. But, we, men, pay to be on the forum. And we do not pay to get insulted. Here are the trips I already did:
Бернард, все в порядке, не переживайте Вы так за скептицизм. Нам это свойственно, и женщины на самом деле переживают, мало ли что может случиться с Вами в таких диких местах как Киргизия. Но так как Вы человек военный, я уверенна, что Вы справитесь с любой проблемой. Мне приятно, что Вы были в Сибири, до 9-ти лет я жила в Красноярске, и это самые крепкие и надежные (в физическом и духовном смысле) люди. Думаю, Вы в этом уже убедились.
Удачи Вам и больше прокладывайте путей в наших широких просторах, а то таких адекватных иностранцев становится всё меньше, одни инфантильные "ботаники" приезжают... Выкладывайте Ваши замечательные фотографии, в любом случае нам интересно знать Ваше мнение. ))