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Saint Valentine's Day!
Today is Saint Valentine's Day, which happens on February 14 annually, as there are martyrdom stories associated with various Valentines connected to that date somehow.Valentine's Day is an occasion in which lovers expresses their love for each other, commonly by presenting flowers, offering confectionery, sending greeting cards (also known as "valentines"), giving other gifts, or doing alternative things. If you want to make a surprise or impress your valentine today, that is an opportunity. This dating site has a service of delivery of gifts to its users. Also, you may send postcard, letter or wink to another member here. It is up to you decide.
Saint Valentine's Day has cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance in many regions around the world, being one of the most romantic dates in the year. Despite some countries commemorate that moment in a different way described here, or in another day, or even do not celebrate that, to receive a present is pleasurable most of the times anyway.
In Brazil, my native country, for some reasons, instead February 14, something like Valentine's Day is celebrated on June 12, known as Day of Enamoured. One of the motives is that Saint Valentine's Day happens around Carnival, when some folk prefer to stay free to enjoy the feast, meeting new people. Also, there is economic issue, as Carnival occurs either soon after February 14, day when people are saving up money for the festival, during, or before that date, when they already spent their recourses in the festivity and are lower in money. In 2018, Carnival ends today, as the current day is Ash Wednesday, the commence of Lent. So, since that Saint Valentine's Day is less notable than Carnival in Brazil and not very convenient to the local commerce, the day choosen to celebrate the romance of couples in the country is June 12, the Saint Anthony's Eve, as he is known there as the marriage saint.
If you want, share how Saint Valentine's Day is celebrated where you live or were born.
I wish happiness to the couples and I hope that everyone who is looking for a partner finds their love. This site may be useful in that task.
Happy Saint's Valentine's Day!