Men & women
what does it mean when a woman replies with
What does it mean when a woman replies with after you have sent her a wink?
Thank you Svetlana for your kind advice. Its quite reassuring
Если Вы подмигиваете,то лучше, если, вслед за подмигиванием женщина получит короткое сообщение от Вас, содержание которого может быть сведено к минимуму фраз. «Я такой-то. Хотел бы вам сказать то -то» Поверьте,Yasir, это будет гораздо приятнее для женщины или девушки, тем более, как правило, все славянки очень скромны по своей природе...
Well "emojis" are often misunderstood; this can be from the actual design. It’s best to write a short letter then to send an ideogram and then question a return answer emotion symbol. I would advise against using winks or postcards and just write to her base on whatever information you like in her profile.
It is an interesting question: how to gain a woman’s attention out of the many letters she gets? Make yourself different than the others Yasir. Would you just wink at a woman on a first face to face meeting? Leave the symbols alone and be different, to get her attention (am joking with the wink here lol)
I personally write to a woman as if I was talking to them face to face, maybe that is why I prefer meetings though agencies these days, then endless receiving “emojis” or just “hi messages”. How would you like to be treated? After more communication? Then Speak to others the way you would want to be spoken to or spoken of. It’s simple (teasing again with the emojis)
All the best and good luck to you Yasir hope I have help? Be positive! Write positive!