Gentlemen's club
People usually fall in love with the beauty of someone, but remember that finally you have to live with the character not the beauty. Beauty attracts hearts but character attracts soul. When nails grow long, we cut nails not fingers. Similarly when misunderstanding grows up, cut your ego, not your relationship. Relationships are not exams to pass or fail and not a competition to win or lose, but it’s a feeling in which you care for someone more than yourself. “Never ignore someone who cares for you because someday you will realize you have lost a diamond while you were busy collecting stones.
from here: "when misunderstood grows up" I agree with every word 100%. However, you have to live not only with character, but also with a person's appearance, and with his intellect, and with his emotionality. Every facet of a person is important for a relationship with him.
P.S. I hope real men will forgive me for visiting their club))

Haakon Tony
First of all - i disagree.
Maybe the beauty is the character? Maybe the beauty is the energy? The glow? The personality?
Personally speaking, the physical appearance has no value to me at all if the person is awful, and in general, i prefer naturally looking women without all the layers of everything.
But i disagree with the notion you're suggesting. The correct person is always going to be the one that can see and identify your weaknesses, and in silence compensate for them out of respect and love for you without any need for boundaries.
The rest what you write simply say that you'll be willing to be a doormat, and in the end, if you do not respect yourself, you can't expect someone else to respect you either.