
Men & women



Why do the Western men prefer bringing wives from the East?

My message is for you, dear men!
I'd like to clear up one point. We all know that nowadays men from Western Europe and the USA prefer finding and bringing wives from the East. The women are mostly from Philippines, Thailand, Russia and Eastern Europe. Is it true that Slavic women and women from Philippines are considered to be competitors in the West? What's wrong with Western women?

Why your eyes are looking at the East?

Who has courage enough to explain you're welcome.

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Janne, 68 y.o.


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Hello again, Vanessa. Now we asked both questions here. I wanted know why eastern women want western men, and you why western man want eastern women. You told me: "Don't believe that russian man are monsters" and I have to tell you the same thing about our women. They are not ugly, lazy or masculine! In fact scandinavian women are known for their beauty all over the world!
25 years ago I married a tall and blonde beautiful swedish girl, nine years younger than me. We started to build our family and future and we have had a great life together. We tried to live an equal life. We brought up our kids and build our home together with equal responsibilities. We both earned money and that gives an inner freedom. If I had ben the boss, the head of the family with the right to make all important decisions, I'm sure I cold not have had the same respect and desire for my women.
Six month ago we split up without hate or bitterness and we still the best of friends. Our kids are grown up and we got a wonderful granddaughter that we both love.

So why did we split up? We just don't wanna do the same things anymore. My former wife lives in a house in the country and I'm living in an apartment in the middle of a small town. And so on.

I just wanted to tell you this because I feel some of the men around here are bitter of the western women, and bitterness seems to be one of the main reasons they are here looking for a russian woman. But I don't know and I am not the one to judge.
One man here pointed out that all russian girls are looking for a sponsor and you replied that if he not want to be the sponsor he could not expect a beautiful younger woman. So that what it's all about? Buy and sell on a market? The richer man - the younger girl?
And off course the girl is expected to obey?
Okay, now I will try to answer your question: "Why do western men look for eastern women"
I can't speak for all men, only for myself and I think the answer is very simple: I do it because I can! The world is getting smaller, we are all connected by the internet, and traveling is cheaper than ever. This is what man have done in all times, its biological. Increase your chances, reaching out of the old territorium, leaving your flock, your village, seeking new knowledge and experience - spread your genes!!! Be a human.


Janne, 68 y.o.


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Inessa, I see now I messed Your name up. I'm very sorry for that!



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Hello, Janne!
You've mixed my name but don't worry about that - it is often mixed in this way: vanessa - inessa. I've been long on the site so it's time to gain a site nickname (a joke).
Well, I'd like to clear up some points. I've noticed that men here often use the word 'equal' – ‘live an equal life’, ‘have equal responsibilities’ and so on. As I see, western men have a great deal of concern about the fact that the relationships between men and women must be equal in all aspects. So misunderstanding between us often result in hot discussions because women can’t understand the equality between men and women as a phenomenon - How can it be?! I can explain...
The matter is that we live in completely different societies. You live in a society where there are laws and the laws are intended to protect people especially those who are ill or weak and women belong to this category - democracy... In our society (FSU) laws are intended to fight with people both men and women, so the strongest survive - they are men. They play key roles in all aspects of the society life. They are not monsters, they just got used to survive. There is no stability in any area: politics, economy, social life. It is very difficult to be honest working in black economy with unfair competition and little opportunities. It is a very stressful life. I don't mean challenges, I'm talking about risk. Men take the risk protecting their business, money, property, houses. They are warriors by nature because our society was constantly at war against or for something. At the subconscious level they are always ready to fight. The most popular hobby among businessmen is hunting. Well, there's one more big problem - alcohol. Some of them drink a lot. It makes them wild and cruel. There are lots of cases of family violence. And there's no hostels for battered wives. I don't talk about all men in this way. I just talk about the reasons... That's why women can't understand how they can have equal rights with men.

All the time when some men here say that women are searching abroad for just 'better life', they mean material side but for most of us 'better life' means being protected by laws and by a man.

Well, some more about 'sponsor'. I didn't reply that if a man doesn't want to be the sponsor he could not expect a beautiful younger woman'. I replied - if a man doesn't want be a sponsor, he should find an equal partner (age, money, property, education).
You talk about equality much, please ... find your equals... if you can.



Название темы - Why do the Western men prefer bringing wives from the East?
Раздел - Посиделки "Он и Она"


Menedzher, 49 y.o.


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Заголовок добавлен.
Пост перенесен.
с ув. менеджер Марина



Reply to Stan on View the commented comment

привет! очень интересный ответ. спасибо. хочу сказать, что все люди разные. везде есть красивые и нет, умные и нет и т. д. я к тому, что нельзя ставить во главу всего принцип отбора по этнической принадлежности. у нас по сути практически никто не знает народную культуру. я по своей специальности занимаюсь изучением традиционной культуры Беларуси. и я точно знаю, что это так. посмотрите мои фото. вы можете сказать, что я умею шпатлевать потолки и стены, работать с шуруповертом? думаю, что нет. а еще у меня специальность очень мужская. первое образование художественное, а второе- техническое (машиностроение). и год назад я выглядела не очень женственно прикручивая гипсокартон. просто так ситуация сложилась. женщина может всё так же как и мужчина. работаю руководителем и добиваюсь всего сама. я очень привлекаю мужчин, как в реальной жизни, так и на сайтах. и считаю себя женственной. т. е. как -то не связывается самостоятельность с женственностью. я что хочу сказать? выбирайте просто человека. тогда не ошибетесь. я желаю вам удачи  



Reply to Tatiana on View the commented comment

точно, Татьяна! приблизительно так же написала и я! все люди разные. А у нас получается так : американские бабы- стервы, мужики- бедняжки, турецкие мужики- садисты, жены их- страдалицы! весело!!!!!! кстати, недавно узнала от одного итальянца, что нам славянкам только деньги нужны. очень сильно смеялась. нельзя так судить!



Reply to Glen on View the commented comment

как хорошо, что это всё на сайте. в реальной жизни подрались бы, наверное. ))))) хватит ругаться!!!!!! все женщины разные!!!!!!!!!!!!! поймите это!!!! и не от страны это зависит!!!! а от ума женщины. т. е. от мудрости и темперамента!!!!!! вопрос в том , что вам ,мужчинам, надо? выбор огромный!!!! хотите нежного котенка- пожалуйста, тигрицы тоже имеются!!!! и не надо всех под одну гребенку ровнять. так вы обречены на ошибки. даже искать не нужно. нужно ждать. просто общаться. найдется та, что останется у вас в сердце. вы даже не сможете объяснить почему. а эти споры какая страна лучше- вообще полный бред! не к месту! и кто сверхдержава- решать не нам и не вам! и вообще опыт показывает , что стремление превознести кого-то ничем хорошим не заканчивается.

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