
Men & women



A small poll for men.

1. Sex. 2. Attitude to me. 3. Finance.
I want to know what is the most important thing in relationships

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Reply to Ben on View the commented comment

Если Дэвид имеет быть в хорошей семье )это большое счастье.
Семейные ценности всегда очень важны.
Может тебе не так повезло и как Дэвид иметь хорошую семью.
Это счастье всегда)и у тебя будет когда то.


Brandon, 37 y.o.

United States

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Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Your post translated perfectly and I couldn't agree more! I wouldn't introduce a woman to my children if I had no intentions of having a lasting serious relationship. Especially when children are young they get confused easily and don't fully understand the concepts of relationships.



Reply to Brandon on View the commented comment

Brendon they not see there own mother who’s not seen her youngest in 5 years or more. My mother (grandma) is 87 and not always well enough to be with my youngest. Allot of the women with little support or with drunk or violent ex partners or partners who don’t care about there children will understand its hard to make arrangements while dating. Parents need to have a life has well has be a parent and whatever anyone says or thinks I’ve no issues with my 17 year old son meeting Slavic women he understands daddy can date and I always get two bedroomed apartments and his rooms private and his space!



Reply to Nikol on View the commented comment

My dating principles are family always there for each other. Dates can come and go and until married they can’t have equal consideration to your children or family . Once married then child must show respect and both parents have a equal say on everything. My family values are strong and I seek person with simular values. I’ve achieved allot in my life I’m not a loser but my goals are different to someone with no children so I agree my eyes and the male member you reply to are much different. I want more children with the right woman!



Reply to Nikol on View the commented comment

Your text is empty blabla and has nothing to do with the issue at hand.
Some friendly advice for the start of the week:
1) first read
2) then understand
(If unclear ASK)
3) then think
4) lastly text / post
PS: doing this in reversed order will bring YOU problems.


Jorge, 44 y.o.


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Todo es importante cuando se esta en una relacion, pero la verdadera base esta en el respeto y apoyo incondicional.


Brandon, 37 y.o.

United States

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Reply to David on View the commented comment

David, I have custody of my two young children and their mom lives in another state. I completely understand the hardships. My comment was not directed to you or your situation but merely my opinions on the matter and my own convictions that I attempt to maintain. There's no parenting handbook, we live and learn and we do what we feel is best from past experiences. That being said, I still stand by what I say. I personally would not bring my kids around any woman I wasn't seriously invested in, especially if there were to be any public displays of affection. When kids get older there may be more leniency as they can better grasp the concept of dating, friendships, relationships, etc



Reply to Brandon on View the commented comment

Just read your profile and seen your children with you. Your children are much younger than mine and will be stable in school.

My children are 17 and 18 years old. Was 4 and 5 when I first had there care.

I agree 100% with your reply and has Male careers for our children we need to put the children first and be sure about who we meet.

At your age and your kids ages you are right to be more protective against meeting with women from other country’s however I’m sure you’ve done the right thing to look for Slavic woman and your beautiful family has much to offer the right woman. Once your sure you’ve made the right choice and the woman realises a future is with you and your beautiful children.

At 17 my son wants to see the world so inclusion is important to me i home educate him (my youngest) and having autism he lacks social interaction so for me the situation is right (for my family)



Reply to David on View the commented comment

Давид, у вас уже есть дети, надо ли вам ещё?
Ищите женщину уже с определенными детьми, взрослыми.
У вас ведь тоже взрослые дети.



Reply to Liana on View the commented comment

I can’t predict the future but this is an option. I can support a family if this is a mutual choice of two people

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