My art
I want to be with such a girl that would always be drunk...
I want a girl who would call me in the middle of the night when she is a little drunkIt is said that people who are drunk tend to call the one who is closer to their heart.
It is said that people who are drunk tend to tell the truth about what they think and feel.
I want to be with such a girl that would always be drunk...
Drunk with love
Drunk with affection
Drunk with mutual understanding
Drunk with a desire to be with me
Drunk with happiness.
I was never drunk before and I would be glad to be drunk together with you for the first time and never stop being drunk after that.
Time to sober up, really!
A 'girl' who'd want to be with you, wouldn't only have to be in a state of permanent inebriation, but also PERPETUALLY be on drugs plus brain damaged.
How do manage such posts with never having been "drunk before"???
I thought they were the effect of long-time alcohol - now I am completely mystified…
Would you let your daughter date him?
Damn it, the guy is older than you, and seeks 'a life partner' HALF your age.
Is it as hot in Sweden as in Luxembourg?
Бен, а как погода в Саттоне? Что лично вы думаете о девушках которые немного выпив в баре звонят вам ночью?
It´s very hot in Great Britain too, I just came back from there
Would I let my daughter? Are you serious? If she is 12, no. If she is more than 18, she would decide herself.
Do you think big letters make you more persuasive? Can you really not accept that people think differently? Do you think they are stupid, with brain damage...? I thought, English people were more tolerant.
Sure, we are super tolerant: that's why we colonised half the world, forced them to eat our food (and drink gin), and then left the EU because there are "too many foreigners flooding in"…
By the way, WHO let you in?
I have a complaint to file: I'm being reprimanded, chided and discriminated against by a foreigner who's been to our country, atrocious - really…
Interesting that you give card blanche to an old fossile to date your daughter. I'd most certainly have most vehement objections, regardless her legal age her happiness comes first. Now, always and forever!
What is English food? Fish and chips?
I was talking about modern English people but you are right, when the queen gives the diamond back, then I will think they are tolerant.
By the way, why are you still in the EU? When will GB leav it?
It is a poetic language. The analogy is intended to convey the concept of an elevated emotional state.
Thank you for your positive comment, Olga.
Hello Natalja
The poetic language is only a suggestion of another reality. It is a fantasy and simulates a different situation than what is literally written.
In this case, the drinking and the consequence -drunkenness is only figurative and are not supposed to be taken to the letter.
A suggestion of "another reality"
Ladies, gentlemen, THIS says everything you ever need to know about Hugo!
(It also explains his preferences for 18-28 year-olds).
Is the stuff you're drinking / taking legal at all?
Alcohol is a social lubricant of sorts, I agree. We talk in the poem about a different kind of drink, however.
Это русская пословица.
Напиток может быть любой, а эффект одинаковый.
Окситоцин, один из "гармонов любви", действует на мозг так же, как и алкоголь
Юлия, пословица? Я думала, это русская народная шутка.
Так Хюго про гармон любви и написал. Он, как художник, это так видит.