
I seek advice



I need advice....


I would prefer the opinion and advice from Ladies......

I'm present on this site for 3 (three) weeks and this is my first experience with online dating.
I have to admit, that there are a lot of beautifull and interesting Ladies here.

The first day I joined the site, my first contact was a very nice Lady, who responded to my initial message. And for two weeks everything was great. I really liked her and it was obvious that she liked me. We were talking over Skype (where she was even more beautifull than on pictures), I was sending her pictures of flowers (in mail) and nice songs for good morning. I called over the phone just to say "Hallo!" to her (and because I liked her voice).
My impression was that she was enjoying the attention. And than suddenly she started taking distance from me.
To make it short, I think she has lost her interes in me. And i'ts ok, it's a reaction that heppens to all of us. So i don't blame her. I can't blame somebody for not liking me any more..... Of course I'm sad and dissapointed, but what can I do? I think nothing much......

Here is the part where I need advice: because of the Lady I was writing about, I neglected everybody else. There were some contcts that I iniciated and there were some Ladies who were trying to make acquaintance with me, but I neglected to do anything about them all.

So my current position is: I would sincerelly like to meet a Lady that I can spend the rest of my life with, get married, form a family and have children. I'm tired of waking up alone and living an empty life - and life without love is not a real life.
But I find My self without any acquaintances and alone among thousands of Ladies.

In my life I learned that womens advice to men about relationships can be priceless. So Ladies please, what should I do???

Gratefully, Karlo.



Спасибо автору за этот пост. Наконец-то мужчина написал о своем пребывании и попытках найти любовь на сайте.
Я думаю, что женщина сначала была очарована вниманием такого мужчины, потом поняла, что ее что-то не устраивает и перестала общаться. Наверное многие прошли через это и не один раз.
Не знаю, что тут можно посоветовать, кроме того, что нужно набраться терпения и быть более внимательным и не терять надежду.


Tatiana, 70 y.o.


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Девчата, почему такой парень обделен вниманием?!



Karlo it happens, a woman loses interest, the man loses interest.... Do not stop! On this site thousands of interesting women!!!!!!P.S.Hard work to find your man through the Internet



Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

Thank You!


Elena, 57 y.o.


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If it was a girl 15-20 years younger than you !!! it is possible that she has lost interest in you ... you're a different generation ... I think that next time, you will not be wrong, but look for a woman of her generation, and luck will be with you.



Может быть, вы слишком быстро и настойчиво "атаковали" её? Испугали её своей скоростью? 3 недели - это ещё очень мало. Она не успела разобраться. Не спешите.  


Helga, 44 y.o.

Russia, Other

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Imate strpljenja!  



Reply to Elena on View the commented comment


It was not such a age difference..... I'm loking for a wife, not for a daughter.

But Your comment is correct. I think that relationship betwen "generations" can not really function.

Thank You for advice.

Respectfully, Karlo.



Reply to Zhanna on View the commented comment

Thank You!




Reply to Elena on View the commented comment


I'm gratefull for Your comment. And I agree with You. But in my situation the age difference was not considerable. After all, I'm looking for a woman who could be my wife and partner in life, not somebody who could be my daughter.

Respectfully, Karlo.



Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Хочу продолжить тему Elena, 52 лет
Belarus, Brest "про напугали". Девочки, давайте каждый из нас напишет свои причины по которым мы когда-либо отказывались от общения с интересным на 1 взгляд мужчиной.  



Reply to Elena on View the commented comment


I was very careful in my approach and my actions. I don't think that any of my behavior could be interpreted as " атака or штурм".

Like one of the Ladies commented, the woman of my desire just simply lost interes in me.

But Your comment has a lot of sense and is well placed. I thank You for it (большое спасибо).

Respecfully, K.


Arina, 60 y.o.


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Добрый день!!!
Словения---это часть Югославии. Млй будущий муж из Сербии, летаю часто в Сербию.
Если Вы написали и рассказали о жизни в вашей стране, то вы могли напугать даму 
Я была шокирована, когда я прилетела первый раз в Белград. Конечно, уровень жизни в Сербии упал низко. Возможно, что и Словения пострадала в результате распада Югославии. Я не знаю.
Ну, и не является секретом, что некоторые женщины ищут мужчину с хорошим денежным доходом. Возможно, что вы встретили такую даму прошлый раз. Это является моим предположением.
Желаю вам удачи!!! 


Ekaterina, 57 y.o.


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I am interested in a relationship with a man, if they develop. If a man every day says the same thing, is not planning a meeting, then I lose interest in the man and begin to get involved in others. In a relationship should be felt positive changes, then it interesting.



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I know situation in Serbia it's very bad. Economy has collapsed, prices are high and salaries low. Serbia suffered from a 4 years long civil war from 1991 to 1995 and from economical embargo forced from Amerika (United States). It was also the wictim of heavy aerial bombardment in 1999. I have family in Serbia.

Slovenia, on the other side is a part of European Union and the standard is much higher and life much better than in some European countries. Our quality of life is not much different than in Italy (we are also a neigbour of Italy). I think the situation in Slovenia is similar to most of other EU coutries (more or less).

Respectfilly, Kqarlo.

P.S. Primite srdačne pozdrave od mene i prenesite jih Vašem budučem mužu. Želim vam oboje puno sreče.

Odakle iz Srbije Vam je buduči muž?



Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

Я думаю,тут может быть дело в другом мужчине,которым увлеклась *прекрасная девушка*
Так бывает,когда общаешься с несколькими ,потом на первый план выходит ОН, и затмевает всех остальных...Советовала бы не оставлять позиций...Все еще может измениться...
Обычно люди возвращаются туда,где их любят и ждут.



Karlo, we had a common language? Failure to understand one another leads sometimes disappointment. "To beat the air".


Arina, 60 y.o.


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Reply to Karlo on View the commented comment

Спасибо ! Я учу сербский язык, но мне читать легче, говорить трудно. Я прочитала ваш рассказ и поняла всё.
Мой будущий живёт на юге Сербии, город Пирот. Маленький город. Наверное, вы не знаете 
Я передам ваше поздравление обязательно!!!!




Just be patient and keep looking for. And in Russian there's a saying: "Mine will never leave me!" So keep it in mind  


Elena, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Ekaterina on View the commented comment

Мало времена да прсхло односима преселио брзо за 3 недеље, мислим да још увек не разумем много ... Али човек је рекао да жели добро јутро, лаку ноћ, позвао човека да чује њен глас, ово је први знаци , та особа је заинтересована за друге особе !!!


Elena, 57 y.o.


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Reply to Ekaterina on View the commented comment

Little time prshlo to relations moved quickly for 3 weeks, I think you still do not understand a lot ... But the man said he wanted good morning, good night, called the man to hear her voice, this is the first signs , that person is interested in another person !!!Извиняюсь Катя, вначале отправила комментарий на сербском 


Arina, 60 y.o.


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Reply to Elena on View the commented comment

Лена, круто   
Почти правильно  


Julia, 58 y.o.


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Reply to Nadezhda on View the commented comment

Общение с интересным мужчиной может заменить только общение с еще более интересным мужчиной  К сожалению, других причин у меня не бывает 


Julia, 55 y.o.

United Kingdom

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It is quite difficult to give any advice to you, as you have given to little information about yourself and the Lady. We can only speculate what's happened.
All women have different ideas about their future life, about the age of a future husband, his appearance, his job, hobbies, about his behavior in different situations, his love, etc. So the thing which is acceptable, for instance, for me will be absolutely impossible for another woman.
May be during your conversation with her she found some hints on your personality, which she didn't like.
May be, it all went pear shaped, when she found out some unexpected information about your job, life style, accommodation, values, your demands on your future wife or her prospects to find job in your country.
Sorry, a woman is going to your country, not just to love you and start a family (which is the main reason and crucial point), but she has to find her place in a new society, find job, to have her circle of friends and interests, to continue her personal development and many more. She expects you to assist her in those matters. May be your Lady has expected something special of you, but you have not met her expectations.

By the way! You have written in you message, that you want to be loved. "Love" is just a general word. Everyone understands the meaning of the word differently and expects different things from their loved ones. What is your definition of love?

Please, don't take everything, which I have written above, personally. I just tried to suggest what may be the reasons your Lady lost her interest in you.


Katerina, 50 y.o.


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Reply to Karlo on View the commented comment

In my modest opinion, Karlo, you should delete the picture of you, where you are with cigarette.


Helga, 44 y.o.

Russia, Other

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Возможно, вам сразу следовало найти девушку-вегетарианку, как и вы? Попытки перевоспитать кого-то под себя заранее обречены на провал.


Julia, 58 y.o.


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Reply to Helga on View the commented comment

Упс! А анкету-то я и не глянула.....



Карло, в любом случае — не терять надежды. Что произошло на самом деле — посторонним трудно судить. Если Вы не чувствуете за собой никакой вины, отпустите ситуацию и не терзайтесь сомнениями. Просто эта девушка — не Ваша судьба. У Вас все еще впереди. И не бойтесь ошибаться — на ошибках, как известно, учатся. Удачи Вам!  



Not a lady Karlo but I have had the same experience here. I am a big boy and can handle a "sorry..its just not you" but I think sadly here you will will be your fault instead no matter what. Ladies may not like to read that but...when the sparkle period is over. .then what? When you wrote you send songs and kind words for a good morning. .I thought I read my own words. And to think. ..sentimentality is viewed as weakness? No...just a decent person. Good luck
