Men & women
Hello Everyone!
I wanted to formally introduce myself to this site, and those who read these wonderful posts. I wish everyone success in finding the person who will hopefully "complete" you one day.I have been searching on this site as well, and am having a difficult time just finding someone who will even write back. I don't know if its what is written in my profile, or maybe the way I look. I really am a hopeful romantic looking for someone to complete my life.
To those that wonder why I have been married so many times, most of my marriages dealt with her mentally abusing me, or even one that found someone else to love, and had a child with him even before we were divorced.
I love the fact that a person might already have children, and even divorced. I have not met many women my age who don't already have children.
I am honest, and very sincere, so any assistance to my dilemma would be greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
дорогой,Stephen, у вас хороший профайл и вы непременно найдете свою единственную, которая оценит вас по достоинству. легко и быстро ничего не происходит. всему свое время! к сожалению, в жизни каждого случается так, что ты становишься только источником чьей-то выгоды, люди польуются друг другом, так всегда было и будет у всех. разочаровываются все без исключения, не вы один! )). ваше счастье где-то рядом! ищите! удачи вам! с увожением Ирина.
Thank you for the words of wisdom. I guess patience is my option for now, and be careful of whom I decide to continue my correspondence with. Have a wonderful day!
осторожность здесь особенно нужна))))) будьте бдительны! спасибо. удачи вам.