

I can understand that this might be frustrating to you and of course I do not know how you communicate with these women, but, maybe the problem is in the way you are approaching the situations. How much experience do you have with Eastern European women? Not all, but many do not place the same importance on making concrete plans. Sometimes normal life gets in the way and prevents them from talking or making plans, especially in that part of the world. I can tell you for one that Skype often has problems, sometimes I could barely get it to work even in Moscow. One thing that you might want to consider is if you are pushing them too hard for a meeting. That will quickly make them lose interest. I noticed in the last line of your post that you mention the money you spent, if you use that as part of your conversation with them, especially the young women, then that is something they hate to hear about. Most do not want money, but they consider bringing up the expense of things as a sign of being greedy.

I often get letters from 19-50 year old women, single and divorced, with and without children. I have actually only written first to one women, I have had more letters than I could realistically answer.

This is a big decision for them as well as you. Try to take your time and build upon the initial letters. Make sure you take more of an interest in them, their life, family, history, likes/dislikes. Do not use the profile as a guide to who they are, find that out slowly in conversation.

What works for me is to use letters through the site to find out who they really are and let them know who I am, if the conversations continue I then offer to communicate in whatsapp, viber, skype, VK, etc... Once there I use text at first since many are nervous about speaking with their accents at first or their level of English or whatever language is used. As time goes on we send voice messages and photos back and forth. Then we move to video chats. By that time they have usually made up their mind if they would like to meet or not. As this process goes on some drop away because we just do not match up. That is what I do and it works, I find women who are genuinely interested in me whether or not it becomes a friendship or more, you can never tell. The benefit I have is that I will be moving back to Russia soon so they are more willing to come visit me in Russia to spend some time together considering I will most likely not be able to leave Russia again.

As for the age difference, Eastern women are more accepting of an older man, but, there will always be that age gap which means different maturity levels and desires, they will want to go out often, probably travel a lot, speak in ways and with slang that would confuse you and I. That does not mean you cannot find common ground and a relationship but it makes it much more difficult. Think of when you were in your twenties or thirties, now keep in mind how you feel now and ask yourself would you honestly be able to keep up with yourself then. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the age, but you will need to work harder at this than usual.

There is not much I can do besides offer my advice and wish you luck, just remember, it is not a meat market to pick and choose. If you want several women to meet with to see if there is a spark then you might want to consider taking a small trip to a city you think you would like and then participate in a dating gathering (I hate the name speed dating).

Regardless of what you try or do, always, always, keep your focus on them, treat them with respect, and remember that time is precious so cherish the time they have allowed you have with them and they will see that you are serious and someone who can fulfill their life, but that the process in its self takes time.


