And President Macron is what then?
- a rascal?
- infantile?
- stupid?
- immature?
Tell him that he's found a mother, not a wife...
I've seen so much nonsense on this forum, but your post really makes it to the top of pointless gossip - it's really obvious that you have nothing sensible to do with your time.
Get a life and worry about your own stuff (apparently there is plenty to do).
- a rascal?
- infantile?
- stupid?
- immature?
Tell him that he's found a mother, not a wife...
I've seen so much nonsense on this forum, but your post really makes it to the top of pointless gossip - it's really obvious that you have nothing sensible to do with your time.
Get a life and worry about your own stuff (apparently there is plenty to do).