Reply to Lyudmila on View the commented comment
"но почитав Вас у меня сложилось мнение, что они в большинстве своем ограничены и не эмоциональны, не ужели им не скучно так жить, как же они тогда чувствуют этот мир и жизнь в целом?"
A question to Doug and other Americans, if anyone follows this thread. The post by Dennis leads ladies here to the idea that most Americans are a bit shallow and lack emotions. The ladies are asking - isn't life with such a mindset boring? And if the above peculiarities are true, how do you percept the world and life via this mindset?
A question to Doug and other Americans, if anyone follows this thread. The post by Dennis leads ladies here to the idea that most Americans are a bit shallow and lack emotions. The ladies are asking - isn't life with such a mindset boring? And if the above peculiarities are true, how do you percept the world and life via this mindset?