
Reply to Rick on View the commented comment

Then STOP being a first-class masochist!
Aksi is right - you were 'enjoying' it - simply BECAUSE you allowed her to toy with you. If you don't show people their place and limits, they are likely to abuse you.
This was / is using you like a footmat!
People only walk all over you when you allow them to.
Remember: no relationship is better than a bad relationship!
Regardless what that empty fa(r)t of a trollhead (41) says.
Follow her 'advice' and you'll walk the path of self-destruction.
Creatures like your and the troll here never end up in a solid relationship: their heart (if they have one) end where their fingers end: in your bank account and in your wallet!
I only quote "thousands of meetings" - there is no greater testimony to her avarice, stupidity, self-indulgence, lack of upbringing and lack of education than her own words. Revolting really!
Where's your self-respect, man? Why would you let anyone use and abuse you like that?!
Don't fall into that trap - be better than that!


