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Paul, let me to inform you some before to say abput what is "fair" or not. Do you know that salary in our countries is 100-200-300USD(not daily, as may be you could think, monthly!), well, may be 400-500USD sometimes and in the best case.
Then, could you tell me please, what % from these salary woman would need to give into yours relationships?(though relationships are not about money..but it is other question).
Then, do you know that in Russia and Ukraine(I don't know about Belarus and Asian countries, women from there could inform may be?) but salary of women less than salary of men and yes, for the same work company will pay to man usually 25% more than to woman. Is it fair how do you think? Is the same in Canada?
Usually women have children and very often fathers of their children don't pay nothing to help growing their chilren or help a bit.
Usually women need more cosmetics, clothes etc than men. You can go to markets and to compare how many products offered for men and how many for women.
Also there bills, food etc etc nessesary to be paid regularly.
So the question again - what % from let's say woman 300USD she would need to pay for her travel experiences for meeting with you, for sure who is great and fair man?