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Reply to Yuliya on View the commented comment

Below is my personal opinion. So if I am wrong in anything, you can just convey. Also your alternative point of view are also very welcome.

There are a lot of factors that affect it.

>First of all, what is your upbringing ? Upbringing in my meaning, doesn't mean what your parents taught you. But the sum total of what you have learned from all the interactions with others. ( Interactions from learning with own experience and also by seeing from others. So consider the sum total of all your senses - formal and informal - all sources) .

Around 7 years onwards, children would stand to do reasoning. and that faculty develops. What a person understand and get framed in their mind, will start to be used as a template, to be applied in the future.

>Now, if we are going to challenge our children at home with various decision making, debates and open discussions and allow them to know what you are doing, why you took the decision, be open to ask their opinions, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, have a calm face to all their queries, ideas and answers. we have to make them think, with more and more questions, their reasoning will develop.

>>like we know, practice makes prefect. When we expose our children to what we do and how we felt afterwards, and how it actually turned out to be later on, it will help them to have a longer vision into life. Like wise, this will help in developing decision making, on how to quickly respond.

Initially, we might be thinking too much, later on, for most of the scenarios, you will learn to remain calm, and solutions or answers will flow out of you without forced thinking.

But ultimately the strength of mind, to implement the righteous decision, overcoming our selfish interests has to be cultivated and grown. we need to understand that when we take the path of Mode of Goodness, it is going to be life of more challenges in our way. we might be ridiculed and humiliated as a stupid fellow, who doesn't know how to secure own interests. But I am telling you, it is really beautiful and satisfying.

Time is a huge factor. When karma grinds, it ensure that it does its job very nicely. Karma will grind everything into fine powder and allow to be remolded. Any one who doesn't have metal, will be left out as dirt of the purification process. If you have real metal, you will shine as a pure metal and remolded into a fine ornament, which everyone will appreciate. When you understand this, when you start to get life experience on this, then your decision making will include this longer vision and be very quick in the right direction.

TO LEARN TO DECIDE -> Learn to leave your ego, and make it a habit to apologize in public. I know it is hard, but do it. Learn to LOVE yourself ( not asking to be selfish). PROMISE to yourself, that you will never take such a DECISION and make a response to a sitaution that you have to apologize and be ridiculed in any manner.

if anyone feel that life is unjust to them, it is because they are not ready to stand in front of the mirror and see the naked truth about themselves. You need to be ready to watch your own life and figure out why certain things are happening to yourself.

DECISIONS will become better and better, day by day. If everyone says you are a loser - in terms of worldly material things, Be assured that you are in the right path.


