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Let me Enlighten you with some major scriptural references.

The Devi Sukta hymn of Rigveda, a scripture of Hinduism, declares the feminine energy as the essence of the universe, the one who creates all matter and consciousness, the eternal and infinite, the metaphysical and empirical reality (Brahman), the soul (supreme self) of everything. The woman is celebrated as the most powerful and the empowering force in some Hindu Upanishads, Sastras and Puranas, particularly the Devi Upanishad, Devi Mahatmya and Devi-Bhagavata Purana

You know that we have 28 stars which are astrological attributed to each individuals as per Indian System. Mine is called " Arudra " or " Thiruvathira " star, which is the Star of Lord Siva, who is the Primodial Lord of the Universe. He has given Half of himself to his consort and is known as " Ardha Nareeshwara " Half woman form of Lord, whereby Lord declares that he is only complete with his female counterpart. He declared the " She " side is the "Shakthi" (Power ) side of HIM.

It is declared by HIM that whenever a wife of a person is chaste and is in Devotion to GOD, even if her husband is the worst person on earth, no one can win a fight over the husband and he will remain undefeated for she will be source of his power. Our scriptures have several stories in this regard including in " Siva Purana " ( One that says about Lord Siva and His Consort Sati / Parvathi ) which is one of the 18 collections of Hindu legends and religious instructions.

The upcoming " Nava Rathri '( Nine Nights ) is celebrated the woman deity form in her 9 forms, with various qualities. ( this year starts on 29 September, 2019 - 8 October, 2019.

For children, their priority of worship is in this order. 1st Worship your Mother. 2nd Worship your Father 3rd Worship your teachers 4th Worship GOD.

When children grow up - we are supposed to do the following.
1. Kills your father ( you were known as son of your father, so make a name, whereby later he is proudly known as your father. )
2. Don't give anything to your mother ( your mother brought you up, so without her asking, give whatever is necessary for your mother before she is made to ask for it )
3. Give everything to your wife ( She was brought up in a loving way by her family, so when you marry her, provide her all reasonable things as possible as she desires )

Men are not supposed to physically assault a woman even if she is behaving inappropriately. Unless she take up arm and be ready to fight. But I feel the Hinduism is better for woman, because Her form as the female deity is worshipped and there are temples only women are allowed to enter.

Ground Reality - Like every society, there are guys who don't treat woman properly. Sometimes women in the house are the enemy for the other women. But that is changing a lot. India is one place where you will find a lot of women entrepreneurs. There were a lot of bad practices which are eradicated in India and now people have started to understand and in even lower rungs of society, women are being treated better.

If I am supposed to be Iron man, I used to wonder what my mother would have been had she been an entrepreneur. She would have been a Platinum Woman. She was really "no nonsense " personified. She gave me the foundation of who I am today.


