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Reply to Gildas on View the commented comment

It really surprises me a lot about this. I agree with you, Mat. May be no need to write anything negative.

but it is the lady who is making the move, she should be asking a million questions and find out what kind of guy, she is talking to. She is more vulnerable. New country, New people, Trusting just one person and putting faith on him, she should travel. So I was expecting that I will also be bombarded with a million question.

When, I wrote my profile, I thought - Serious Relationship - selection means, something really serious. But I see no serious in search. There had never been any (except one), who wrote their first letter, by reading your profile, Answer to Questions and say an opinion.

it was written as a food for thought and as a topic to exchange something meaningful and to get to know each other.

Yes. there is no other thing to express this - Other than disappointment.  


