Reply to Olga on View the commented comment
Hello Olga, as usual, you have a rough presentation but good intentions. However, I differ in opinions with you...reverse this situation and I am quite sure you would feel the strain I feel. I don't feel sorry for anyone but her...God judges all people, me included. You are right, it is criminal, this the cut in communication show she knows the severity of the offense! With bad kidneys, not being able to donate blood like before, having to admit I was exposed, this is with me forever, not whining like you said, BUT REALITY! For some reason you have a harsh presentation As Kal has noted on many occasions, ONLY i DO KNOW MANY Russian men, and in general, the younger they are...say pre 35, they seem to be just pigs...I know many. Have you noticed that every response you make shows a harder side of you, not a soft side at all. Contrary, breasts are great, but the beat under the breasts is what makes me fascinated! Why am I moping or whining by asking for opinions on this topic? STD's as you see, drew many comments. Are you at all soft or just jaded? Its sad, beautiful and as hard as the Siberian winter. And this Olga, is a typical Russian female response, it must be the mans fault, he must not show emotion or the end, I feel sorry for you, going through life so hard and rough makes you miss th real soft moments that count, the moments that help us in times of need and yes, weakness. Lighten up....God Bless