
Women from estern europe has a bit different view of love (it's possible that I'm wrong and it would be nice knowing that) . Maybe that is why so much male want to marry you, the perfect romantic female.
It seems like you are not supposed to rationalize, to understand love. You should only experience it, as if it were a fascinating kind of magic that makes us feel whole. A magic that makes us feel comforted. And it happens when we are next to the person who has become unique and special to us.
We learn that reason must not disturb the magic of love. We have to avoid “contamination” to enjoy the delights this emotion brings. But the truth is that this approach doesn't seem to work.

Our convictions should be based on reality and our projects should be planned in accordance to what works in the real world.
Fantasies and dreams, on the other hand, are connected to psychical processes connected to memories and failures of the past.

Let's imagine the best situation: two people meet, fall for each other. Then they create a strong and interdependent connection. They feel fulfilled and complete, and dream of leaving everything behind to move to an oasis. In this Oasis they will live entirely for each other. They will live enjoying the pleasure of having found their “other half.” Nothing seems to be missing.
Nothing they once valued – money, looks, work, social position, etc. – nothing matters anymore. All but love becomes banal, superfluous and easily discarded.

As time went by, the couple realized that an isolated, unchallenging life, focused solely on their romantic relationship, quickly became boring and uninteresting.
You can dream all you want about lost paradises, but you can’t escape the fact that we’re used to a life with certain risks and struggles. Challenges are good for us: they keep us sharp and intrigued.


