If someone truly believes in God, then why can that not be a topic for discussion? If someone believes God has blessed them, why can they not express joy and happiness for those blessings? I’m glad that being happy and thankful for those blessings does not make us Jehovah’s Witnesses. Why is it acceptable to discuss politics but not feelings about God? It appears clear what happened in former Communist countries when atheists attempted to remove God, and I see what is happening now to America as atheists try to do the same here. I see little good in what atheists promote, but God appears to still be here. Not all believers believe in the same way; however, the most brilliant men I have known were believers. If there is a God, I’m sure he wants us to acknowledge Him and be grateful. Wouldn’t you? As far as the “magic” and “flag-waving”, Nadezhda, when I see a political poster of a Communist, they are often waving a flag. I will put God’s “magic” up against theirs any day. Marina, I found your letter a blessing. Glad you are experiencing many blessings and are excited about your future, and grateful for it. Good luck and may you have many more.