
Steve, I think what happened here is Jan bravely strutted out on thin ice and oops, suddenly a big noise like ice cracking! Now he’s he is trying to get back to shore!  ))))

One big difference in Slavic women; they are polite, gracious and long-suffering, even when men say dumb things they wish they hadn’t. With an American woman, this would have had a serious fight and all the other girls would have jumped in! Here, some of the girls even thanked Jan for some of the “awkward” things he said, despite rolling their eyes all together!  )) You should thank these girls; they gave you a free pass, but maybe not the next time.

Jan, I’ve talked with quite a few women here; no one has ever told me they love me yet...have I missed something? As far as “we men are not in touch with our emotional side” and “this is the way God made men, please overlook our flaws and act as though we are better than we are”; speak for yourself, Jan. God apparently didn’t make me that way, because I am very much in touch with my emotional self. I never accepted, “this is the way I am”; I learned to be different!

My father taught me whip the neighborhood bully; my mother taught me how women think, to be compassionate and that it was ok to be emotional. See, I can cry all I want because of what my father taught me; no one can really do anything about it!  ))) Forget that manliness façade; learn to be who you should be. Son, relationships are hard work, and men usually want their partner to do it all! Wake up!

I suggest you not write an entire page advising the girls in lengthy, intimate detail on how they should be different, but then claim men can’t be different because “God made us this way?” Perhaps he made you that way, but there’s still time to “get in touch with your emotional self” and learn how women think so you can be a better partner. Still time for you to change! If you want to be the man you should be, start now! They teach classes on this stuff, you know!


