
Is this a question which needs to be answered? In America, women always fighting to prove something. Want do everything that men do. Want to be in combat with men, so we lower the requirements for women; men have much tougher physical requirements. We give them a little gun and they like that! American feminists have special laws and rules and the table is tilted so far in their favor it is ridiculous. Sometimes employers tell white men, do not bother to apply for this job, can only hire women or minorities, regardless of his qualifications. Still no women in Special Forces; but most men cannot do this, either.

Feminists decided they must be equal to men and want everything men out with the girls every night. After a few years they realize the men didn’t like the hassle of work, either. Meanwhile, no one takes care of the children at home. We have two generations of “latch-key” kids who come home after school; no one there to greet them. They watch TV or get into trouble until parents get home. Mom comes home, too tired to cook. Dad comes home hungry, no food. Kids hungry too; no food for anyone, so kids go to friend’s house and eat. The house is a mess, the dog ripped up the furniture, has not been cleaned for weeks. Now everyone thinks this dysfunction is normal. Where is the benefit in all this? Does it matter who is equal?

Men are not all equal to each other, neither are women; so how can men and women be equal? And why does it matter? Insecure people ask these questions. Each person is different and unique. I never think, is she equal to me? Never enters my mind. The question should be, how do we complement each other to accomplish our goals? Although I wanted her to look up to me, I never thought my wife was any less than me. In my mind, I knew she was weaker, but I never told her that. I never had anything to prove.

Hey Tom! You will like this! I always helped my wife around the house; I cooked because she was “not my equal” in the kitchen. (But I liked standing at the kitchen sink by her.) I cleaned, ironed clothes (was in the military so I like my shirts and pants a certain way), folded laundry, cleaned men’s jobs and women’s jobs. We all work together and don’t think about who is doing more work; I help because I love her. We work together, get done sooner and can spend more fun time together. Only insecure people with psychological problems have these thoughts. Are we equal? Who is better, smarter, stronger? I hope she is stronger because sometimes I need her strength. (Editor’s note: our feminists are much more rabid than yours.)


