
Reply to Nataliya on View the commented comment

You make a good point, Nataliya. To marry for love is wonderful and should not marry for love. But money is necessary for life and to have a family. I sometimes get the impression that American men think Russian women are poor and will be happy with anything that is dropped in their direction. This is furthest from the truth. Russian women have much more fashion sense and care for themselves than most American women, I have seen this first hand. And many American men can be spoiled by the feminism that we have here. The women work, raise the children, clean the house, cook, and take care of the man, but then men come home tired and sit in front of the television. Certainly it is not all, but American women have become half the man and it is not appealing to me. And certainly a women coming to a new country cannot work immediately, the man must care for her and to a proper level. he should want to, but I think often has not concept of what to expect. I know I made plenty of mistakes in my marriage and learned from them. It will be easier this next time.


