
It is unfortunate that this thread has degenerated into name calling and accusations when frankly no one is either "right" or "wrong". This is all opinion and what our personal feelings are. It is not right however to criticize someone's opinion just because it does not agree with your own. Also it is not right to try and force your own opinion upon others.
Part of the problem is that not everyone is approaching this topic from the same place. I for one, would not consider discussion of a visit until I was very close with a girl. of course, that is partly because of the distance, time in travelling and cost compared to someone travelling just within Europe. It is a very different situation. For a woman to visit me in the Western US, would require a ticket of about $1500-2000 and perhaps more. On this basis alone I could not expect a girl from the FSU to save this money in any reasonable amount of time.
Travelling withon Europe, whether for the man or the woman it is possible to take a long weekend and "explore". For me it is a much more serious endeavor and so I would only embark on such once I had a relationship begin to develop with the girl.
There is nothing "wrong" with a woman expecting her man to come to her and to pay for the expenses or to pay if he invites her. In her choice, she may have to wait longer and be more commited in her relationship before this happens. It is a consequence of her choice. Similarly, a man may only want to correspond and meet women who have the financial means to visit first. The consequences of this choice are a limiting of the field of available women among other issues.
Everything has a "cost" based on the choice we make, but it is foolish to say one choice or the other is wrong. Now, if we want to discuss to pros and cons of such choices then that may be a valid discussion.


