
Hello Luca,
Good luck to you and keep looking. The right girl is out there and i think you have the right idea and the right attitude. As I once said before, it is difficult to have your heart broken, but it is a part of the process and if we must have our hearts broken 99 times and crash into the dust, then we must also get up dust ourselves off and begin again the 100th time, because the end result, finding the woman who will complete us, is worth the difficulties, struggles and pain. In the end, it is worth it.
I went through a similar situation in a few ways. We had been serious over a year, plans for the K-visa started. We each had short visits to the other and seemed committed to the idea of marriage. She quit her job to come. I made arrangements for her to stay here for two months and within 5 days, she was like a different person. And even though when she left she was smiling and we had plans for her to return soon, she cut the relationship soon after returning to Ukraine. I never got a good answer as to why. Obviously she was not committed to the relationship and just liked the idea of the whole thing. In retrospect, good that we found out sooner than later! Keep looking, my friend, you will find a good woman for you!


