
Reply to Tim on View the commented comment

Tim, 31 лет: Yes, I kind of agree, we less emotional, just because we understand only Humor, that belongs to a humor - not stupid things that most of Americans laughing about. I can give tons of examples, that is funny for them - but rest of the world would say - it's stupid. For example - man walk on a street and fall down right on his nose. If I put it on youtube - 90% of Americans would post LIKE on that video and laugh. I don't see anything fanny in that.
And Tim, I'm in LA only 4 years, you can add to my knowledge about America by 2 years in NY, 3 years on Columbus, OH, 2 years in Cincinatti, OH and 3 years in Milwaukee, WI. Besides, I been in many other states - VA, IL, NV, FL, UT.
But you right - I can't represent whole America anyway...
And in any cases - I wasn't talking about whole nation - just about those, that below expectation, just to warn.
On my work - many americans is very interesting and have very gentle sentence of humor.

But again - we both could be talking about only 30% of a nation, as we can't possible know everybody.


