
1) I see that only one man has added to this discussion. I am a little surprised by this revelation.


2) A man's self worth should not be determined by trinkets. Nor should any person, man or woman, expect to receive them. There is a time and place to give and receive gifts. A person with proper manners will give a gift when the situation is appropriate. However, the most memorable gifts are given when unexpected and that person has put a lot of thought into them.


3) A man's self worth is better determined by his actions, his manners, his etiquette. Will he rub your feet after a long day from work? Will he open the door? Will a man cater to her needs when she is sick? Will a man hold her hand out in public? Will a man show self restraint when drinking alcoholic drinks? Does a man treat waiters / waitresses, concierge' or any of the help staff at an establishment with proper respect? Will a man help her feel comfortable whe she is around his friends?


As for me when it comes to showing a woman how I am interested in her, I may or may not give her a gift. It depends on the situation. I will cook a tasty meal for her. Of course, I ask for her input prior to making the meal. I am pretty good at giving a foot rub. I am so good that chances are high that she might fall asleep. That is a good sign because that tells me she is relaxed.


