
Reply to Elena ,

You did not mention , if there was a meeting in person , with you and him.If , you two have not meet in person , I assume , that he asked you to marry him , after some time of communication.I believe that only a meeting in person ,can give you two , the real status of the relation.Whether there is some chemistry , and if you like each other.

And even after a first meeting , it is still not certain , that you 2 are suitable for marriage.This is a big step , and you should go ahead , with a clear mind and some caution.Of course , it is all possible , that he fell in love with you , after some communication.
But do you yourself think , that now the time is good, for him to give you full details , of his material and financial situation?

I understand , that when you will move to his country , that there are many things to think about.And surely , his financial means and assets , are very important in this.But I think , that it will be better , when you will discuss all this , when you have the personal meeting.Then you can have your answer at the same moment.Not waiting for the letter or mail to arrive.
And always keep asking yourself , if you will get the answer from him.

When he is really serious , with you , he will come over to meet you in person.I believe that is the time for more serious questions.But that is to say , if you are also serious with him.
Maybe he wants to know , how his chances with you are , before he will make this expensive trip , to you.

So , in that respect , I can understand his question , to marry him.But you should tell him , that it is also depending on his material situation.Maybe he cannot tell you , or he don`t want to tell you now.

It is up to you , if you think , that you can have a life together with him.If this is what you believe , then you should let him know that.It will certainly help him , to decide if he should make the trip to you , or not.

Anyway , I wish you the best of luck



