
Reply to Natalia on View the commented comment

Natalia ,

Well , I do understand , that in many cases , it is a bit difficult , to accept , some help.Especially , from a person , who you have not met in real life.
But , when communicating , for 6 months , in a good , respectful way , I believe , that , when you have spoken about , a domestic problem , which cannot be settled , without putting in some money ,it is only to be glad , when the man offers to help.

Because , yes , it is you , who told him , about , your personal situation and the circumstances.If you believe , that he has true and real intentions , for you , as a woman , you should not think about your pride.

I understand , that you may feel , that it is somewhat , humiliating , to accept financial help.But , when you have a real relation , with him , later in your life , he will also provide for you!True or not ??

So , what is the point then , to not accept , the offer ???
And , he will not put any ties or demands on you.So , you are still a free person , and woman.

Respect and honesty , very important , in a communication/relation



