
Reply to Oscar on View the commented comment

Oscar ,

And , yes , I know that the url , is an old one.And , no , I cannot find the item , about the human traffickers , at this moment.

In late November , there was , a roll up , of a group , but they were , bringing people from Syria , in.
No , report of , forcing women in to prostitution.

So , because , I cannot verify that , I will take back , my words on that.I am a realistic guy.
And , like I said , I did hear the number of 400 , but I also cannot verify now , to what it would refer.

And , yes , also in my country , there is the risk , that women , may fall , into the hands of traffickers.And can be forced into prostitution.I don`t tell anything new now.

To make things clear , to you , I have not invited any woman , to come to my country , on this forum.In the past years.

If I would do so , I would certainly visit her first , in her own city.Just to avoid , all these issues , and to make sure , that I am the person , who will send her the invitation , and keep in contact, by telephone and so on.

She would have my address , my passport details , so everything , would be really transparent and open.
And , sure enough , I will tell her , that there is crime in my country.And that there are some things , more different , than what she is used to , in her own country.

I mean , if she wants to come , to live here , it is best , that I should tell her up front , what she can expect here.
That would be really honest to her.I mean , she should have a little clue , of how her life , will be here.

As you may have noticed , I never tell a woman , what she should/must do.But I can talk about the risks.
It is up to her , and her alone , to make a final decision.
If she wants to go or not.If she accepts the invitation or not.I am not the person , to tell her , yes or no !



