
Reply to Galina on View the commented comment

With respect please i request not to do personal accuse or judge me,whom you never met or know me personaly.In India there is a law Right to Information law 2005 which says Citizens can avail information from government and goverment deparments .In this law courts says women can avail information before marriage about criminal cases are recorded or pending in court or police station.If the women put an application the police officer throughly investiagate about bride groom and send to the applicant report.I think you can ask any citizen of India to apply on behalf you or i invite to my country,my village where i was grown up,college and job company and than judge my character whether i respect women or not.Till than please refrain from such things.

If a person has different opinion it doesnt mean he is not respecting women.
I never said that there is no female fetus killing.Female fetus decreased a lot there strict punshiment upto life imprisonment.Giving a female birth the female is burden on parents because they to give dowry or money to male or his parents.This dowry system decreasing a lot you can find information about it google search.
Every human being should should respected loved and cared irrespective whether female or male.Respect is not gender based thing.


