
Reply to Tatyana on View the commented comment

For lots of men and indeed lots of women, there is difficulty in progressing beyond the introduction stage.  It is not always the search for something better that causes the discourse to end.  Sometimes the discourse reaches a stopping place where there is nothing more to contribute.  If you allow the discourse to become   thematic or passive or abbreviated; if you reply with one word answers like "Yes" or "No"; or if there is a continual lack of curiosity, then you can expect the discourse to end because it failed to progress beyond the introduction stage.   He says "What do you like to read?"  You say only "Grigoriy Demidovtsev".    Then where does it go?  He does not know Demidovtsev and there is no connection.  So disconnect.  To think that all men only disconnect in the search for a better girl is a mistake.


