If You own a Russian Passport Why do You need to put house|Land in other persons name? To get Russian Passport Mexican Man would of most likely needed to be already married to Russian or had bussiness in Russia with turnover in excess of $160,000 per year over 3 years or of lived in Russia several years! thats President Putins Guide Lines not mine. Otherwise No matter how much you wave a Magic Wand or Mexican Hat theres no way you can just get a passport for no reason. Are You getting mixed up with a Russian Passport and a Russian Visa? I ask you to explain this because My worry is your getting some womans hopes up by being with You She becomes a Moscow property tycoon. But in reality raiding a giant size Mexican piggy bank to change Pasos to Rubles to most is No more than a pipe dream to make a woman a land owner im not questioning your credibility however im sure these sort Of promises If empty in past have been use by the seasoned sex tourist!