
Reply to Vera on View the commented comment

It helps a relationship that the man has money so he can get to Eastern Europe to build a relationship.

My example was that the girl wasn't poor and needed a dad for her kids! I wasn't last chance saloon for the girl! Far from it.

If a poor girl from Russia meets a rich man from England kids ain't a issue. Where the girls from Russia/Ukraine/Belarus fall short is the silly materialistic behaviour... A man from England will provide expenses has this is traditional here but will only give gifts from the heart!

One girl may say to another girl I got a ring, some shoes or whatever off the man... if a girl waits for feelings and for gifts without asking she's more likely to find a husband and get the gifts from the heart.

I've seen a couple of the girls who have husbands off this site try advise the others logic but the girls have not understood or taken onboard this advise

If I met a poor girl from Russia money is last thing I look for in a relationship because in Russia and Eastern Europe your teachers and important people within community are not paid there worth. If this girl has 4 children I observe her qualities has a mother has it tells me everything!



