
Reply to Gildas on View the commented comment

Who are these men in the 15%!!! I'd guess Me,Billy, and Ben to be three of these men!!!

I've just compared 3 profiles!!!! Matt Your 34 years old Tall and from a western developed country... our friend Billy from Canada got beautiful dog and 35 years old... I'm 46 from England.... Both Me and Billy not report problems with contact with woman and I've had replies from women with a 6% reply rate before now.... if not lower!! I've brought my kids up alone and when first single I was not looking for relationship when I was yours and matts age!!!

I've also had successful dates relationships and romance in my life and I'm rather successful in all I do.... I can relate allot to Billy's positive attitude!!

I'm sure both me and Billy if wanted could get replies off who we see has the most suitable women to us..

I quote your words "I start to think some women are here just to satisfy their ego and see how many men they attract... those pics are done for it"

Eastern Europe is extremely poor area of the world containing the most beautiful women in the world...

Face, Figure and clothes are what makes these girls attractive and is there ticket out of poverty and corruption! I love Eastern Europe but I go there on a western wage with a Eastern Europe wage I'd not like it!!!

If you peel back the clothes make up and face you will find intelligent girls who are not always has confidant has you would think!!

These girls know they need to get with western man to have children or secure a stable future! By getting a full mail box ain't going to get this goal! There photos are done to get "the best man" out of who shows interest... a man who is accomplished with a positive attitude!!!

These girls want the best man but they are not desperate, you need to show why you are worthy of there effort and beauty and to leave there homeland they need to trust you...

Leaving family is the most biggest step any girl can make to be with a man.. The man needs to be worthy and above all Worldly!!!!!!

Worldly and Confidant are two worlds where me and billy seem to be at a huge advantage to you. (Sorry to billy for talking about him)

however I only write about Billy the positivity from his posts and profile which is clearly his advantage!!

I am in contact with who I want to communicate and by constructing quality letters I'm sure if I was looking to make contact with new women I'd get a huge message return rate!!!

You are a male version of Victoria who wrote a few weeks back in forum very negative don't smile but "not bad looking" you need to write personal messages based on the target members profile...

Write letters of substance is my advice!!!


