
Reply to L on View the commented comment

L & Natalja.... please explain what the problem is here???? ... in typical forum fashion the positives are ignored and the negatives come to the front!! The man was good enough to admit to bankruptcy and admit the woman went to work this is a unfortunate situation the man was married to his first Eastern European wife many years and if I read right had children to this woman and long marriage!!! If look at the mans pictures you will see Motorhomes in the snow and best interaction with children... the man provided the best but life can be unpredictable at times...

Also further note all his beautiful children’s pictures are DATED his story is water tight and the man has integrity and good looking for his age for sure! I hope I look as good when I’m his age also (with the greatest respect to Jan)

L ive said it before your a good looking woman but from allot of your replys I think has you get older (your nearly 40) when your looks start to fade your expectations will be unachievable in my view and any poor man you meet will never be able to do enough for you in my view this is just my opinion no offence

I for one could never afford to date you if I offered to take you to Great Wall of China I’m sure you’d expect to go to the moon!

I wish Jan and his family the best... good health and prosperity ignore what seems bitchy comments off the haters. You are better than such!


