
Reply to Olga on View the commented comment

I am not angry and most likely got more money than you and your Swedish husband. Yes they had been drinking and I had just gone there from Lithuania where undoubtedly they wouldn’t be permitted to board a ship... the irony is when I was traveling back from Norway to Lithuania a man was stoped for being drunk despite the fact his behaviour wasn’t out the ordinary. Because you found a rich Swedish man don’t try turn this post on me! I have a rights to travel anywhere in the world and my children and other people’s children deserve respect

Ps I’m happy to upload my bank account figure if you want to turn this to being about money!!! I’m ok!! Thank you!!! If I had yours and your husbands mobile I could of phoned you fast so your 9 year old could of enjoyed the lesbian floor show if that’s what you teach!! In your country!! However don’t try turn the subject to any normal person “it’s not acceptable” others need therapy if you think this behaviour near children’s appropriate


