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Hello Olga & Altin. To be honest the question of unemployment shouldn’t matter to men. Especially if the gIrl Is not from Moscow or SPB or rich oil city! Has the Eastern Europe wage is so far behind a Western Europe USA Canada Australia or Swedish wage for example that most men prefur a Slavic woman to provide there beauty and other family & companionship quality’s and the man provide the financial support to the relationship. For example If a Ukrainian girl (sorry I not know Uzbekistan economy) earns $50 a week for example and she dates a man earning $500 a week. If man is serious he will finance the dates fully! If it gets to marriage at first the man will have to provide anyway! I spoke with doctors for example and to come to England the exams would need to be new in the country they move to... so either girl stays at home unemployed or she is supported in getting new qualifications.... I’m interested in the woman not her job or financial status