
Reply to Alisa on View the commented comment

Hmmm...that is a tough question to answer, Alisa! Americans are so diverse in their looks, thinking, mannerisms, and even the way they speak. A lot of it depends on which state or area of the USA you are in. For example, I think you would find quite a difference between a man from New York City versus a man from, say, the state of Montana. Some states are similar but almost every single one has something unique about the people that live there. I could answer your question, generally speaking, of what I think represents an American man (to me) but I think if you asked 100 different American men that question, you would probably receive 100 different answers. So I don't want to give you a list of qualities that "define" an American as chances are, if you meet or talk with any, they may not be anything like I describe.

I would not dare to compare and contrast men from the USA versus men from Russia as I know very little of Russian men. I have met and spoken with quite a few, both in the USA and abroad, but not enough to really form an educated opinion of Russian men. I will say that all of the Russians I've met thus far have been very nice and friendly toward me.  


