
Reply to Stan on View the commented comment

Suggesting a Michael Moore movie/documentary/op-ed to show the "real america" is rather dishonest. Moore is an extreme leftist who purposely leaves out facts that do not support his agenda. The film you speak of is extremely biased, it does not tell the whole story or paint reality.

Cultures are very different across the different areas of the states. Maybe not in urban areas as much, but people in Texas are very different from people in New York in general.

Many things you said are true problems in some social circles but you make it sound as an absolute.

The reason American Men are looking abroad is just a diverse as the reasons Russian women are looking abroad. Some men may not be able to find a woman in America who will accept them, others may be looking for a housewife to take care of traditional female roles, and some may have given up on american women. It is not a simple issue.

My personal opinion is that American women are just flat out not worth the risk. If I was married to an American woman there is a 45% chance she would initiate divorce with me despite my objections. The court would then side with her pretty much in every way.

American women are competitive to a fault. If I give a girl a piece of jewelry she is happy, until her friend gets a nicer piece of jewelry, then I am not a man to her. I am looked at as a failure because her friend won the jewelry game. Sex will be withheld, I will be verbally emasculated. I wish it was as simple as just being materialistic but sadly it is much deeper than that. American women are just as masculine as American men; It is because their narcissism does not allow for the public to not see them as the best. It is crazy, they think they are glamorous movie star when they are ordinary.

The short answer is, American women (not all) have been messed up by Hollywood and feminism (like Stan suggested - many things he said are in fact generally true). We have problems just like everyone else but people are friendly where I live. You can still build a good and happy life with honesty and hard work. There are good women in America but the truth is you just don't know, the bad ones are very good at being manipulative. It's simply statistically better to look abroad. Foreign relationship have a fraction of the divorce rate as those involving an american woman and man.

This is how scary an American woman can be.


