Just something to think about Mat in regards to not writing women who have reply rates under 20%. It has been my experience that these women aren't necessarily less talkative or less interested in meeting somebody, it may be the contrary but they have just become better at knowing what they want in somebody and selectively choose whom to be that way with. As has been brought up, many of us have busy schedules, if you've got limited time you may not have the ability to engage with every person who messages to pad those reply rate stats but that doesn't mean you won't have time to properly engage with the one(s) you are interested in getting to know. My reply rate is over 20% but when I thought about it there is no way I reply to over 20% of the women who message me but when my pictures in contests get high voted, I get a message and I'll send a thank you note and I think that pads my stats, so if somebody reached out to me thinking he replies a lot, they'd be disappointed. So bottom line if somebody interests you, reach out, if they aren't receptive move on. There is always going to be a built in inequity with online dating, men will do much of the effort work in getting womens attention initially but that's life, it works the same offline, it sucks but that inequity usually balances out later, women are usually better at keeping relationships going once they're in them. Life has a way of balancing most things out.