As I said elsewhere in this thread, no amount of external beauty makes up for lacking internal beauty but by the same token, being a great person doesn't lead people to be attracted to them's a rare person that can overlook one of those in entirety, I know I'm not that person.
It is true that we are the culmination of a long line of genetic input from our ancestors, each and every one of us but does that obligate us to accept the results? You're trying to make the decision to alter ones physical appearance thru surgery sound flip, like one does it as simply as changing a hair style or changing the wardrobe to the latest color to the majority of people who have undergone an elective cosmetic procedure and see if it is such a rash impulsive decision done on a whim to match the latest fad. Most people who undergo these types of procedures have been unhappy with some part of them for a long time and they cannot change it thru anything they can do, that has to be a helpless feeling. It is easy to say someone lacks confidence so be stronger if you yourself have never had to deal with it and could not relate to their position. I haven't had a cosmetic procedure but know many who have and almost universally it has made them decidely more happy with themselves so who are we to say you shouldn't do it, who are we to say deny yourself happiness? If you have a slight imperfection do you not try to mask it to the best of your ability? do you not try to enhance what you have thru make up? what is the difference here, it's just degrees but you're trying to better yourself. We live in a time where options have afforded us the ability to change things that were once out of our control, but you'd ask us to resist in some sort of homage to our ancestors? come on
I'm not sure what Miuccia Prada has to do with this but you're asking me to judge a 70ish year old woman. I googled pics of her young and I don't think she was particularly beautiful. Could she have had work done, maybe if she felt like some aspect of her features bothered her...if she did I would support her choice to make changes and if she felt no issue then it's no issue to me either...but would I have dated her looking like she did younger no...for me attraction is necessary and I wouldn't have been, but if she had surgery that wouldn't have guaranteed that i would have either as I said earlier, it's only one part of the equation...and then she would have a say as well lol