People can have a hard time seeing their rock lose emotional composure, it makes them feel a little less secure but everybody needs an outlet, even us guys who usually keep it together while those around us crumble. Nobody is so strong that they can internalize it forever. My business is within the film industry, we make our money preying on peoples emotions so people having a moment during a movie is what keeps us going...keep doing it lol. My answer remains unchanged tho, if you feel it show it...I mean there has to be a little context and it depends on the company, if you're weeping during every tv commercial with somebody you just met reign it in, if you're declaring your love for someone you met after a first date, alright slow it down, you can't be an emotional basketcase, that'll send anybody sane running for the hills but with somebody who you're in a relationship with and there is a traumatic event, or you just find yourself in a situation where you have to vent off anger or what have you... if you can't express that with them and they take it negatively or look at you negatively that's probably a telling sign of the strength of that bond right. You have to have people around you that let you be you in your rock steady moments but also your highs and lows. You have to let people in at some point so why hide it, if you got some emotion to express, express it.